Stories by author "Thanh Vo": 3
Grand Opera House of the South – Opera House Masquerades as Theater
How does a building from 1901 stay so pristine while having actors and major Louisiana figures visit it? You may know some of them: “Enrico Caruso, Huey P. Long, and Babe Ruth” (1) are a few of the notable people to visit the aptly named Grand…
Hey, Hey, Heymann Performing Arts Center – Hey man, Lafayette's first municipal auditorium turned into a theater!
Who knew one of Lafayette's most famous figures patronized the arts? The Heymann Performing Arts Center was originally Lafayette’s first municipal auditorium designed by architect A. Hays Town in 1957. Town built many of the most famous…
Abbey Players Play On Your Heartstrings – Abbey Players PLAYED their Part
Can a group of talented friends provide entertainment to the community? The story of the Abbey Players Theater begins with their first actors highly interested in the performing arts and so Ted and Lynette Winter Cessac and their partner, Dave…