Willkommen in Roberts Cove
St. Leo IV Catholic Church
In the words of Fr. Keith L Vincent, a previous pastor of St. Leo IV, “Hidden treasure lies just three miles from busy Interstate-10…Signs 500 feet before and after the church say ‘Roberts Cove,’ but this is all…” (Kondert, ix). The Germans have been tucked away in French Louisiana, but why? For the same reason the Acadians were exiled from Nova Scotia, their religion (Kondert, xi). A priest, Fr. Peter Leonard Thevis, was the first to come to Louisiana from Germany in 1867. It took him ten years to find a place of his own, but when he did he sent for his family to come by ship from Germany. A Benedictine missionary helped to build the first church. He bought land in Robert’s Cove for a monastery, but a church was built instead.
The church, St. Leo IV, started many traditions that still happen today. One of these traditions happens on the Feast of St. Nicholas, which is December 6th, every year. Families a part of the Roberts Cove community will leave their shoes out on their front porch. St. Nicholas and Santa Claus will come visit their house and leave little candies for them in their shoes. There are events throughout the year that the Roberts Cove community will have to keep their traditions and culture alive. The church will be the center of Roberts Cove for many years to come.