Who Dare the Hoodoo Lady

Julia Brown

In Acadiana’s St. John parish, Julia Brown was a Hoodoo priestesses lived in a very small town called Frenier surrounded by Manchac Swamp. “In the town Julia was known for her charms and her curses, as well as for singing eerie songs with her guitar on her porch (Lovejoy).” People went to her often but started to take her for granted, and after a while they noticed Julia’s change of change of character. “She started to scare the ungrateful locals by predicting when terrible things were about to happen to them (Matthews).” She also knew that her death was near and so she spent her last days on her porch singing, “One day I’m gonna die, and I’m gonna take all of you with me (Scott).” Soon everyone found out what she meant.
On September 29, 1915 Julia died and the town gathered together to bury her. As they were putting her casket into the ground heavy hurricane rains interrupted forcing them back into their homes. It wiped out the entire town and proved that Julia’s ranting was all truth as there were no survivors. Today the grounds of Frenier is a mass grave hunted by Julia brown.


